• phulki_adm@hotmail.com

Projapoti Konyader Jonyo (A project for Girl Domestic Workers)

Projapoti Konyader Jonyo (A project for Girl Domestic Workers)
Project Name Projapoti Konyader Jonyo (A project for Girl Domestic Workers)
Project Duration 2016 – 2019
Funding organization SHAPLA NEER
Project Goal Girl Domestic Workers (GDWs) are enjoying their rights by getting legal protection.
Project Purpose Domestic Worker Welfare Policy’2015 is followed in favor of GDWs in project area.
Project Output 1) GDWs are confident in their life to make alternative livelihood

2) Employers and Guardians are sensitized on GDWs rights.

3) Domestic Workers welfare policy, 2015 is practiced through Area Management committees in project area.

Project working areas Azimpur, Arambag and Sobhanbag. Handed over center: – Korail & Rupnagar
Beneficiary/Stakeholder Direct: 1700 {8-18 years GDW-200), Employer -150, Guardians-100, Area Management committee-100, People who will support program in community-350} Indirect: 200*4=800 person.
Short description According to BBS, 2013 there are 0.12 million child domestic workers in the country out of 3.45 million working children. Out of 0.12 million CDWs 90.58% are girl domestic workers who are deprived from education and other child rights. They either are fulltime or part time workers. Fulltime girl domestic workers live in the employer house under the exclusive control of the employers; Who are deprived of their right from education, health, play, security, protection, equal opportunity, development, and participation.  And Maximum employers of the GDWs are not aware about GDW’s child rights. They are negative and harass GDWs verbally, physically, emotionally and sexually, which has to be addressed at the individual, family and community levels. Phulki have been working since 2006 for betterment of Girl Domestic Workers future. And every year challenges take new face and add new observation. After approve Domestic Worker’s Protection and Welfare Policy’2015 by Bangladesh Govt. Phulki have worked three years under this policy. Phulki have supported Girl Domestic Workers. Besides worked with employers, guardians and Area Management Committee to support GDWs for safer life and secure future.
Major Achievements ·         Phulki have supported non-formal basic education to both full time and part time Girl Domestic Workers. Besides education, GDWs have learned various types of papercraft and games as recreational part.

·         For the first time Phulki have given handicraft training like block batik, tie-dye etc. successfully. Besides Phulki also gave tailoring training to 14-18 years GDWs.

·         Total 242 GDWs received service from Phulki through center activities.

·         80% GDWs out of 242 GDWs have attended minimum 3 months’ class. GDWs can write name in English and Bengali and can-do easy mathematics.

·         8 GDWs are helping teacher as child leader.

·         40 GDWs have completed 18 month’s program and received graduation certificate.

·         Total 85 GDWs means 70% among 122 GDWs who are 14-18 years GDWs have received training certificate.

·         Out of total 61 trained GDWs who received certificate total 32 GDWs means 52% GDWs changed their jobs.

·         Phulki arranged Annual sports and Exhibition once in a year. And students display their handmade products to community like a fair.

·         GDWs are very aware about their child rights and they talked with their parents to stop arranging child marriage for them.

·         57% of enrolled full time GDWs have either written or verbal agreement with employers. Also, Employers are more aware than before about domestic worker’s rights, and also child rights convention.

·         3 AMC named Azimpur, Arambag and Sobhanbag center have preserved GDW list of their respective area.

·         Area Management committee of three centers have received workshop on Domestic Worker’s Protection and Welfare Policy’2015.